Flamboyant Tree, when you google this term and search, plenty of names appear. The good thing is, all the words are other names for the famous tropical Flamboyant Tree.
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The Lovely Flamboyant Tree, What Is It?
Due to the dazzling display, Delonix regia is famous with the name of Flamboyant. It belongs to the species group of flowering plants, has a family Fabaceae, and native origin to Madagascar.
To identify, you can look at its fern-like leaves and flowers that appear in tangerine color mostly. It blooms enchanting blossoms throughout summer and lets people chill out in the stifling heat season.
Flamboyant trees don’t just have an aesthetical value, but they also produce fruit pods, like beans, often regarded as edible beans. However, we don’t find much information about that.
The blog has everything you need to learn about Flamboyant Tree.
Flamboyant Tree – Scientific information:
This plant’s scientific or botanical name is derived from two Greek words, Delos and Onyx. Delos means clear, while onyx means a claw.
The name denotes its showiness in the gardens, as it has claw-like orange flowers that are visible even from a long distance.
Instead of one or two, the tree grows flowers in clusters that look so enchanting and makes it the best addition to roadsides, walkways, and ornamental botanical gardens.
How does Flamboyant Tree look Like?

Flamboyant Tree, also known as a fire tree, is more in wider length than height. So, it looks like a canopy or a decorative orange umbrella standing to offer shades from very far.
It gets widely extensive breadth wise to give people a delicate shade to lean during summers out of the scorching sun and have fun in tender winds.
The flowers appear in clusters, and each flower in the group shapes like a claw—the claw with five fingers.
Four of them will have spoon-like petals in red, while the fifth one will be slightly bigger. When juvenile, the one petal turns into white shaded blooms; however, you get only 2 to 3 days to enjoy this fantastic texture.
After some days, when the Flamboyant Tree’s flower becomes mature, the white petal turns red like the rest of its siblings.
Poinciana Color – How Many Colors do You Find In Flamboyant Tree?

Royal poinciana or the flame tree comes in different varieties that differ in terms of germination, growth, and color.
You can find three varieties of Flamboyant flowers.
- Orange-Red
- Deep Red
- Golden
The most common flamboyants are orange; after that, you find red, and then it’s gold, the rarest of all.
Besides this, some Delonix regia trees produce small flowers while some make big. Also, some of its varieties are easy to care for, while others are delicate and start dying in winters.
However, all flamboyant tree varieties can bloom from their dead ends in summers. It means the tree never really dies.
You should know that flowers actually make the Flamboyant tree color – Orange, Red, or Gold.
Flamboyant Tree Symbolizes Pride, Hope, And Rest:
The flamboyant tree is known for its everlasting stay and stunning colors. But do you know, the tree has a deeper meaning than just being a decorative shrub?
Yes! It is deeper in meaning, and having it in the home is reported to bring positive vibes to the family.
● The flamboyant tree symbolizes pride:
Do you know any beautiful summer plants that produce beautiful flowers? Well, there are a few lovely summer botanicals like dahlias.
However, you don’t find much of the greenery during hot weather and sometimes need to wait for springs to enjoy blooming flowers.
Royal poinciana is different than this. It proudly blooms throughout the summers and stands still and alone like a king, meaning and symbolizing pride.
● Flamboyant Tree Symbolizes Hope:
The flamboyant tree or Delonix Regia can survive droughts and rough conditions, just like Jericho’s miraculous Rose that calls good luck, success, love, money, and much more inside, when kept in homes.
Just like Jericho rose, the Flamboyant Tree can also survive droughts, storms, and salty conditions. Its roots remain submerged in water and never let the plant die.
In this way, it symbolizes hope. It gives you a new meaning of life that there is still hope even if you think it is over.
● Flamboyant Tree Symbolizes Tranquility:
For some people, summer is all about enjoying the breezes and winds. Sleeping in a hammock under the shade of the tree is enough to define their idea of summer.
Flamboyant Tree grows so tall and has a solid trunk that offers a great shade and lets you enjoy summer afternoons and evenings while resting under a cool place.
Therefore, it also symbolizes rest and tranquility.
How about growing this fantastic tree along your home, yard, or in the garden? Do you want it? check the next lines talking about
Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant Tree Growth:

Here are some steps telling you how to grow a Flamboyant tree in your home, yards, garden, or any place you want to.
How Long Does It Take To Grow A Flamboyant Tree?
Flamboyant has a tropical growth attitude, so the seeds take a long to germinate for seeds. Such as, it takes 12 to 349 days for the plant to grow.
Some methods and temperaments can elevate or alleviate the germination, given as follows.
1. Get the Seeds:

As you have read in this blog that flamboyant trees have varieties; hence when you go to the shop to buy seeds, make sure to keep in mind the following things:
- Consult the shopkeeper about the size of your flamboyant tree according to the one you need.
- Show him a picture or video of the tree you are intended to grow.
You can also get the seed directly from the tree pods if you have a Royal Poinciana tree grown in your surroundings.
2. Get the Soil Ready:

Once you have purchased the seeds, you will have to get the soil ready. Here the method to ready the ground for your tree at home:
Soil | Quantity |
Coco Peat | 25% |
Cow Dung | 20% |
Garden Soil | 25% |
River Sand | 10% |
Brick Chops | 10% |
Gravel | 10% |
3. Selection Of The Pot / Place:

Before you head to this point, figure out if you want to grow it in the yard or bonsai this tree.
“Bonsai is an art or process to grow dwarf varieties of ornamental trees for indoor places.”
- For yards: make sure to have at least 4 to 6 feet of space between your home and the tree roots because roots will grow so vast with time.
- For Pots: Get 18 to 20 inches pot
4. Seed Germination:
Before you bring your seeds to germinate, make sure to put them in regular tap water for 24 hours.
After that, get a box with a lid and hydrogen peroxide for both methods. Get the mixture of water with a half teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
Paper Towel / Tissue Paper Germination: In this:
- Make a tissue paper bed and put 4 to 5 seeds on an inch difference
- Spray H2O2 mixed with water on spores for slight damping
- Now, place another piece of paper towel
- Close the lid and leave for ten days or more until you see germination has started.
Repeat all the steps for germination with coco peat; however, you will sow the seeds in the coco peat soil instead of a paper towel.
5. The Planting:
You will not put the plant in a large-sized pot at once because the sprouting will do better in a limited space.
Therefore, find some disposable containers made of plastic and use them for seeds sprouting. For this:
- Add the soil that you made by mixing different elements in the disposable container
- Put germinated seeds in it from the side the little plant is bearing
- Drench the container with water
After some days, you will see sprouting has started.
Once the plant has grown a little bigger and starts bearing leaves, you can transfer it to the ground by sowing easily using a garden spiral hole drill planter gun.
Check this video for more information:
How to Create Flamboyant Tree Bonsai?
For Flamboyant Tree Bonsai, you will have to keep an eye on the growth to keep the bark and roots smaller so that they don’t go out of the pot.

For this, do take care of watering, sun-light conditions, and other such as:
1. Propagating:
Propagating is all about removing unnecessary leaves and big hardwood branches from the plant to control bark growth and keep it tiniest to remain fit with the pot and room size.
- Summers are the growing months for flamboyant trees, so you will have to propagate the tree as a must for bonsai.
2. Watering:
Before pruning, stop watering your plant for three days to give it a dry period.
- Water it right after pruning
- Get back to the regular watering routine after some days of trimming
3. Fertilizing:
If you have seen your plant is doing well and haven’t fertilized it in months, do it now.
After pruning, your plant has lost most of its nutrient maker branches. Therefore, you will have to fertilize it right after pruning. For this, during the growing season:
- Solid Organic fertilizer form (once every four weeks)
- Liquid Organic fertilizers (every week)
It gives one white petal for 3 to 4 days on the flower after blooming, and after that, it turns red just like the rest of the flower
Some precautions to take when bonsaiing Flamboyant Tree:
Here are some considerable things for the healthy growth of your Flamboyant bonsai tree:
1. Repot your plant after every year:
The flamboyant tree is truly a plant of soil and loves to suck out organics from it. However, bonsaing this plant in pots make it use all the organic nutrients from it.
So every year, you will have to change the pot of your plant and sow it in a fresh and well-draining soil mix.
2. Pruning is done throughout the year:
Most people become confused when it comes to the propagation and pruning of a plant. As both involve trimming, they consider the same processes.
However, propagation is all about cutting hardwood twigs to control the growth, while pruning refers to trimming small leaves and tiny branches for tree grooming.
You will have to prune the tree in spring and winter as well to control its growth and make it appear fresh.
3. Helping Flamboyant Tree Against Pests And Diseases Is A Must:
Flamboyant trees are very attractive to bugs and pests like Shoot borers and caterpillars. Pests usually attack the flame tree during winters.
Therefore, you will have to make sure that no pest is attacking the beauty of your beautiful Gulmohar tree. To do this,
You can scratch off bugs from the Royal poinciana tree or use particular pesticides.
4. Do not overwater your plant:
Flame trees are summer trees, and they aren’t in love with overwatering. In fact, no plant can tolerate over-watering.
When you do this, it can cause root rot. In this case, you will immediately transfer your plant to another pot.
Some Interesting Things About Flamboyant Tree:
Here are some interesting facts about the flamboyant tree you would love hearing:
1. Mature Flamboyant Trees Are Wider:
Flamboyant has more growth horizontally than vertically, so you will see a mature royal poinciana tree wider than heightened.
2. Flamboyant Tree Is Drought Survivor:
Like the comprehensive posture, the tree roots are also so widely spread in the soil to bring water for plant growth. Therefore, if roots remain densely drenched in water, the Flamboyant will be able to survive droughts.
3. Flamboyants Live For Many Years:
Flamboyant trees are survivors, so you don’t really see this tree dying. It will shed all of its leaves and bear them again after a while.
Actually, Delonix regia looks like it dies in Winters but thrives again during summers.
4. Flamboyant Trees Flowers Grow In Various Colors:
You find the Fire Tree commonly with orange flowers, but some more colors are also available, though rare to see. The colors are bright gold and ripe red.
5. Dwarf Delonix Regia Plants Are Also Available For Indoor Decoration:
By bonsaing flamboyant trees, dwarf varieties are produced for indoor ornamentation.
Flamboyant Tree Benefits:
Here are some excellent factual benefits you can get by growing Flamboyant Trees in homes, yards, gardens, and anywhere you like.
1. You Can Grow Them Anywhere:
Flamboyant trees have a panoramic dispersion, and their thick trunk ditched so hard in the soil with roots spread in the ground so wide. But, they can be grown indoors by creating their bonsai.
They sprout so well on the grounds and happily in the pots. So you can grow it anywhere.
2. Flamboyant Tree Have Ornamental Importance:
Flame like flowers and scenic dispersion of the Flamboyant tree leaves makes it an excellent piece to use for decorative purpose.
They are used on the roadsides for garnishing as well as in the homes to flourish its surroundings.
3. Flamboyant Trees Are Shade Givers:
When everyone is looking for shade in the scorching summers, the colorful, flamboyant tree offers the walkers, passer-byes, birds, and animals.
The second purpose of growing it in the world after ornamentation is its shade.
4. Flamboyant Tree Makes Edible Fruits:
Although there isn’t much data and recipes available on how to use the Flamboyant tree in food, there are still enough pieces of evidence that tell us that the fruit of Royal poinciana is edible.
Many people make excellent coffee from the beans extracted from their pots.
Bottom Line:
We have highlighted all the necessary points regarding the Flamboyant tree, such as its scientific information, common names, growth rate, and how to bonsai flamboyant tree.
We hope the blog would be informatively useful for you. For any suggestions or comments, please give us feedback by commenting below.
Have a happy plant life. 😊