
Yesterday, My Husband Thought He Saw A Cockroach in The…

yesterday my husband thought he saw a cockroach in the kitchen

Hahaha, that’s so funny to read but even funnier when it actually would have happened.

Do you think husbands are going to help you with cleaning kitchens and bathrooms?

Well, most of the time, they would pick the bug and throw it out of the kitchen. Problem solved!LOL

Gaga and laughs apart, home cleaning is the toughest task, either wives are doing it or husbands.

Do you agree?

In this regard, you need to know some cleaning tips, some house-work tactics, and get your hands on some handy tools to automate the house chores.

Interested to hear some tips? Let’s dive in:

1. Do Not Throw Peals, Rubbish, And Wrappers Everywhere in Home:

You don’t have to go on everyday deep cleaning of floors and roofs.

On many occasions, it is not the dust that’s making your whole place messy, but the rubbish spread all over.

Such as the kids or we throw peals, wrappers, or stuff here and there in the home.

This thing makes even a cleaned home appear dirty.

So, if you will make it a habit to avoid throwing stuff everywhere, your home will look neat and clean for a whole week.

For this, you can use trash picker bins and shoppers.

Trash Rack Holder

However, sometimes we don’t want to leave the place and to a dustbin.

So, you can put trash storage containers everywhere in the home and ask your husband, kids, and guests to use them whenever needed.

2. Do Not Leave Sinks, Basins, And Other Gutters Blocked:

When you are doing dishes, laundry, or taking a bath, remaining of food, pet hair, and even your own hair will be stuck in the gutters and block the drainage.

This thing will not just give water a hard time to flush but can also create smell in the place.

Therefore, try to plunge the gutters thoroughly each week.

It will keep you from feeling embarrassed in front of the guests due to the foul smell all around.

3. Give 10 Minutes to Dusting every day:

Dust on the furniture makes your home look dirty, old, and peaceless.

You don’t get the feeling of relaxation when everything around you has particles of dust.

Moreover, these grimy particles also invite flies and other insects in the home and disturb your living.

Therefore, you should go for dusting furniture every day for just some minutes.

Use an easy to use gadget-cum-tool for this task that doesn’t require you to move the things here and there.

With this, your home would look spacious, tidy, and relaxing to stay yet free of germs and insects.

4. Use gadgets for handiness:

Most of the filth in the home occurs due to the spills of water and the fall of things.

We have all types of racks in the home where we put bottles, glass, and jars, etc.

However, when we try to use them, they often fell and cause a mess.

Moreover, you cannot shift all of your stuff on lower shelves to make them easily reachable.

Hence, use gadgets to avoid the fall of bottles, the spill of drinks, and to keep from bacteria, etc.

Use antibacterial mats where you put groceries to keep from the smelly fungus.

Ending Lines – Small Tactics to Keep Home Clean:

These were little but genius ways of keeping your home clean without using a cockroach 😛

Have you got any useful tips to keep your home clean? Please share in the comments below.

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