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How To Make The Most Of This Quarantine

Things to do during quarantine

Quarantine is tough for all of us

Majority of us are not 9 anymore who can watch cartoons 10 hours straight.

Rather, we have become so accustomed to a busy schedule and gatherings that social distancing is feeling heavy on our souls with each passing day.

But that doesn’t mean we should take it negatively!

Here are some not-so-discussed ways of making the most of this quarantine.

1. Prove beneficial for society

Help the people with positivity and logical explanations

It’s high time that you show concern towards society. Converse with your neighbors if they are exceedingly fearful of the condition and give them hope as to how logical measures like wearing a mask, improving the immune system, social distancing and cleaning with gloves on can help defeat the virus.

Talk to your friends and family and spread positivity. They may be hit by news of their friend dying from the virus or the ever-increasing positive reported cases. Explain to them how grateful they should be not to be included in the unfortunate lot.

2. Start a Youtube channel

It’s a perfect time to gather YouTube audience

Present your expertise on Biological alterations, your skills as a magician, your techniques of home remedies or your say on the current pandemic situation in front of the audience by making a Youtube channel or Podcast.

Potentially, you can make up a large audience at this time for your brand because people are more than ever on Youtube.

3. Learn a new course or language

Master a new skill or language

Are you one of those who has marked the top of his/her to-do list with a foreign language and graphics course but haven’t crossed it out yet, because of the busy schedule?

Use this free time to log on to online French, Italian, or Chinese language courses or free, precisely structured Photoshop, video editing and calligraphy courses.

4. Clean the long-awaited clutter

De-clutter your items and belongings

We mean all those wardrobe closets, different socks lying in the drawers and kitchen cabinets that longed to be cleaned because you hadn’t had time before.

While we are at it, why not ask you to remove all those unnecessary junk files on your laptop or Desktop that are either self-installed or too “ancient” to be of any use.

And also, get your documents in place for future online application submissions or tax payments.

5. Start a quarantine journal

Examine the written hidden inside you

Only if you haven’t already!

Everyone would believe that the world is going through a historical phase right now, unfortunately, in a bad sense, though. But wouldn’t it be something memorable to tell your grandkids when you grow old?

6. Read books

Read all those books and novels you didn’t have time for before

It’s time to blow over your dusty bookshelf and start doing with books what’s meant to: read. Finish a pending book on life Inspiration or start a gripping thriller novel. You can also consider ebooks if you are not “easily distracted” from the Internet’s can’t-say-no-to features (Youtube, Social Media notifications, Netflix Ads e.t.c.)

7. Amp up your culinary skills

Learn new dishes and try out different cuisines

Cooking needs time. We all know that and what better free time can there be than this!

Become a kitchen witch by learning new dishes, experimenting with different spices, making instant smoothies and cocktails, and becoming apt at using multiple kitchen accessories to speed up cooking procedures.

But, ensure that you wear a mask while going to the grocery store to get supplies or simply order them.

8. Earn some quarantine money

Get your hands on some online cash

We are not talking about exploiting the situation like hoarding up hand sanitizers or tissue paper rolls! There are ethical ways of making money in this time too.

  • Sell your old clothes, books, technology stuff at Poshmark, Decluttr, Ebay, Mercari and Depop.
  • Go Freelance. Don’t make a new account (it would take ages to get work), rather approach someone who is already making money on Freelance platforms.
  • Become Delivery guys with Uber Eats and DoorDash.

9. Teach something new to the pet

Now is a great time to teach new skills to your pet

How can we forget our furry buddies in this hard time!

It’s a great opportunity to teach hoop-jumping, shaking hands, staying put, ball catching, rolling over and spinning to your pet cat and dog. Use certain accessories or DIY items to make the learning process more efficient.

10. Immerse in gardening

Beautify your lawn and accessorize it with new plants

Do you always forget watering up the plants because you run late for office every day? Or you forget to mow the grass every Sunday because guests often come over?

Now, you can execute all those pending tasks. And not just that, you can make a new flower bed, an impressive garden path or a DIY waterfall.

Don’t wait, get the necessary gardening equipment and set to work.

11. Call your faraway friends, family & have virtual dates

Say hi to your not-so-called friends and family

We bet you would be doing this already!

Call the faraway friends that you seldom call and chat with them. And you can also have virtual dates with your soon-to-be partner or wife who is in a different country than you are.

12. Beautify yourself

Jazz up your beauty routines and get rid of unsightly marks

Do you know that Home Beauty Remedies channels are seeing a sharp increase in their traffic because people are utilizing this time of isolation to focus on their beauty routines? If you haven’t already diverted your attention to your skin, face and arms, do it now.

Apply face masks, get rid of dark circles, blackheads and excess body hair, make your skin gleaming, grow your eyelashes and nourish your hair.

13. Indulge in home workout

Switch to indoor workout if the gyms are closed

We know how hard it is for all the gym freaks to not get dressed in their trousers and leggings, fill up their bottles with juices and head to the gyms to shed sweat.

But you can still consider calisthenics and other exercise challenges on the internet. There are plenty of Youtube quarantine exercise routines and daily-challenge mobile apps that you can download to keep the body in shape. Now is also a golden time to get abs.

14. Spend time with kids

Give unobstructed attention to the kids

Let’s take it positively; this situation has given us a time to reconnect with our kids we found arduous to, before.

While their schools are off, don’t let their learning process halt; play games with them, have them read books, watch tutorials with them, make a routine for their day where they are given a gift for every new skill they learn, and indulge them in a scavenger hunt in an effort to get the house cleaned up (We know that’s a genius technique!)

Quarantine is tough, but this time shouldn’t be useless. We are sure you wouldn’t let it be.

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