If you are into less-expensive yet uncommon and rare monstera genus plants, we suggest you get this easy-to-care-for and a fast grower Monstera siltepecana.
Let’s be real: we all want to buy forgiving houseplants that can grow on their own, meaning they bless our house with their beautiful existence but demand occasional care in return.
And, this unique siltepecana is one such plant.
“Yes, we are plant-lovers, but lazy humans too!” – said every plantaholic ever.
Here, we present an effective and simple monstera siltepecana care guide for every lazy plant owner.
First, let’s find out the origin and other details of this unique monstera species.
Table of Contents
Monstera Siltepecana
It can be a climber, a trailing plant, or your evergreen favorite hanging houseplant.
Belonging to the Araceae family, Monstera siltepecana or silver monstera has its origin in Mexico and Central America.
The characteristic feature of this all-year-round monstera vine is the unique foliage.
A baby or juvenile siltepecana shows terrestrial growth. It has silvery-gray leaves with dark veiny lines.
Mature monstera siltepecana becomes an epiphytic climber. It has distinct green color leaves with holes in the surface (monstera fenestration).

Now the care part:
How Do You Care for Monstera Siltepecana?
The evergreen vine of a silver plant is a rare but less expensive species of monstera that requires low care and maintenance.
It can thrive with minimum attention in any area, indoors or outdoors. The best USDA hardiness zone for the all-year-round plant to grow outdoors is between 9b-11.
Here is the basic care of rare monstera to grow indoors:
Light: Bright to medium indirect sunlight (can tolerate low light but will grow slowly)
Temperature: 13°C (55°F) to 29°C (85°F)
Humidity Level: 60% to 90%
Watering: Water once every 7-10 days (always check the dryness of soil)
Soil: Any aroid soil mix with orchid bark, perlite, and peat moss
Propagation: Easy propagation in water, soil, sphagnum moss
They are not challenging like alocasia zebrina, which means you get to have a beautiful plant even with a minimal caring routine.
Get all the information down below:
1. Placement & Light

The preferred monstera sunlight is bright to medium. Place them at a spot where they can get enough indirect light.
They will grow well on an east-facing window side.
But can monstera take full sun?
Yes, siltepecana can handle direct sunlight, but only if the timing is not prolonged. Otherwise, its leaves will burn or scorch.
This fenestration plant can even tolerate low light situations (partial or full shade) but be aware it will affect their growth and leaf size.
Monstera Siltepecana is not a tricky plant, but what if it is not getting enough light needed for full growth? Will it die?
Well, not right then and there, but you may observe small leaves and less growth than a siltepecana that has been provided with full bright sunlight.
2. Watering
This monstera species is not tricky when it comes to watering her.
Of course, it is a tropical plant, but as it grows older, they behave more like epiphyte, which means they like being watered, but won’t appreciate you over-watering them, making the soil wet and soggy.
So, how do you know when your monstera needs water?
While deciding on monstera watering, plant-experts advised not to follow a regular schedule. Instead, feel the dryness or wetness of the soil to choose when they should be getting water.
If it is under-watered, the leaves may seem wrinkly or droopy.
Now, how to water monstera siltepecana?
Water your plant thoroughly until it starts running out through the drainage hole of the monstera pot.
You may notice some sweating (water drops) on your monstera siltepecana the next day after watering, but don’t panic. It’s just her way of getting rid of the excess water.
Is there any ideal watering routine?
The optimum watering routine for this silver plant depends on where you live. For instance, if they are placed in a dry environment, they will need watering often.
Whereas, if it is placed in a humid area, you can water them once every 7 to 10 days.
Note: Do not let the soil completely dry between watering sessions. Rather always keep it a little moist (not wet). Check the top 3″; if it feels dry, it’s time to water these monsteras!
It can survive several days without getting any water as long as its lighting requirements are fulfilled. (We are not motivating you to water her less, but well, it’s a bonus point. :p)
3. Temperature
Silver monstera plants are not sensitive to a specific temperature range but will thrive in a warm, hot, and tropical terrarium environment.
The ideal monstera temperature can be 13°C (55°F) to 29°C (85°F). It will do well as below as 10°C (50°F) or up to 35°C (95°F).
Mon-STER-uh so-to-picanha.Although it is an easy-to-care-for plant, some people confuse its pronunciation. It is pronounced as Mon_STER-uh so-to-picanha
4. Humidity
Monstera Siltepecana plants prefer a humid surrounding.
You can say they will grow exceptionally well in a bright room with a humidity level of 60%-90%. In fact, almost all monsteras except monstera obliqua do relatively better in an average humid environment (50%).
If you live in a low humid place:
- Add a humidifier around it
- Place a pebble tray filled with water beneath your plant
- Mist the leaves regularly
- You can even put them in your bathroom as long as they are getting their daily bright indirect light
Choose whatever suits you and your monstera!
5. Soil

Like any other types of monstera genus, this plant requires a well-drained soil mix to grow and prosper fully. The best soil can be an aroid substrate like 3-parts potting soil, 1-part perlite, and a handful of orchid bark.
As they are somewhat epiphytes, the roots of monstera siltepecana plants don’t like to sit in dense and heavy soil.
The light soil mix will allow the air to flow up to the top leaves of the plant and will also protect the monstera from root rot.
Note: Your precious monstera doesn’t appreciate mushy, soggy, dry, wet, or heavy dense soil. (It’s not much! All she wants is light, free-drainage, and moist soil.)
6. Fertilizer
You don’t need to fertilizer your siltepecana much, but make sure to dilute it to a ½ strength whenever you do.
Any houseplant fertilizer mixed in water can work for these forgiving plants.
According to a monstera lover, Erika Lodes, siltepecana needs to be fertilized three times a month in summers and once in winters.
If you live somewhere with no-sunlight winters, you can totally skip fertilizing your silver plant during the cold season.
7. Repotting

We all hear that repotting houseplants once in a while is ideal for their growth. Every plant lover will agree, but each species has its individual needs, right?
How do you know when you should be repotting a monstera?
The first and foremost indication is when you observe overgrown monstera roots poking out of the drainage hole from the pot they are planted in.
The other hint could be their slow growth, as it often happens if the plant is root-bound.
And, you guessed it right, monstera plants don’t like having not enough space to grow freely, and as we said earlier, they need airflow for proper growth.
So, No! Nay-nay to the root-bound, fellows!
The ideal pot material for a monstera siltepecana is a terracotta or clay pot with a 10-20 diameter and 10″ deep bottom.
Or, if you don’t want to water them regularly, you can also repot them in a plastic or ceramic pot.
Take your plant, put it carefully in the new pot filled with the fresh potting mix.
Pro-tip: Use a mess-free mat to make your place soil-free while repotting your siltepecana.
Cover it with a plastic bag for humidity, and place it somewhere bright (no direct light). And, you are done! Really!
Can you buy variegated Monstera Siltepecana? Is it expensive?
You can find a variegated monstera online but finding it can be quite a tough challenge for some. Moreover, it can be expensive.
An authentic nursery sells a variegated monstera for up to $500-$5000. So, if you want to buy monstera, you must prepare for it to be pricey as it is a variegated version of it.
But, why is it so expensive?
Swiss cheese plant or variegated monstera photosynthesize (produce chlorophyll) less and takes a lot of skills and time to grow.
Also, it is a rare plant, and its high demand adds to its final cost.
8. Propagation

Monstera siltepecana is one of the easiest monsteras to propagate. What’s the best thing about monstera propagation? There’s a high success rate in any method you choose:
The silver plant can be propagated by stem cuttings easily. Carefully cut above the node (with 1-2 leaves), take the cutting, and put it into the soil, warm water, or sphagnum moss.
Cover this with a plastic bag to provide enough humidity and place it in a bright warm spot. Wait for a couple of weeks, and you’ll notice the growth of new roots.
Then, transfer the roots into pots with fresh soil substrate. The rest of the care is similar to the parent siltepecana.
9. Monstera Growth Rate
Monstera silver plants are fast growers but require some support to mature into large nonstera plants.
To make the baby siltepecana into a bigger leafy version with swiss cheese type (with holes) monstera leaves, Attach a bamboo stick or pole to it. A mature monstera siltepecana can have 5-inch leaves.
What should you do if your siltepecana has outgrown the monstera support stick?
Simply cut the node and propagate it for a new plant.
Bend it into a loop for a lovely designed pot.
Other Similar Plants & Monstera Varieties
All the monstera types, including mini monstera, are known for their holes in mature plants, usually called swiss cheese plants. And, monstera siltepecana is no different!
For example,
Monstera epipremnoides, the other sibling of siltepecana plants, also have fenestrated large leaves and require minimal care to thrive indoors.
The Monstera Adansonii, another vining plant similar to monstera siltepecana, also shows small holey lance-shaped leaves.
They are also confused with monstera Cebu blue, monstera Peru, and monstera el Salvador plants.
Let’s find out the basic difference between these species:
Monstera Siltepecana Vs Cebu Blue
These silver plants monstera are often compared to monstera Cebu blue as one may they look similar, but if you observe their leaves closely, you’ll see some differences:
- The green color of the Cebu blue leaves is more faded, and there is a hard ridge along its stem i-e there’s no reflective variegation (silvery appearance) in its leaves
- The leaves of monstera siltepecana are smooth with a distinct green color and reflective variegation
Monstera Siltepecana Vs Peru
- The primary difference between siltepecana and peru plants is the thick-stiff leaves of the monstera peru
- The leaves of monstera siltepecana have a unique smoothness and silvery sheen to them
Monsteru Siltepecana Vs El Salvador
- Monstera El Salvador is advanced and rare monstera siltepecana variety. It has bigger foliage than the siltepecana silver plants (larger leaves)
- They are more silvery in appearance and are hard to find than monstera siltepecana
Is Monstera Siltepecana a Toxic plant?
These beautiful-looking plants are toxic, and if mistakenly eaten, they can cause irritations. So, yes! Keep them away from children and pets.
In fact, keep all your plants away from pets and children!
Do Monstera Silver Plants Attract Pests?
This monstera species doesn’t have any unusual disease or pest attraction, but of course, you can’t avoid the sudden visits of mealybugs.
Just clean them with warm water, diluted rubbing alcohol, or insecticide solution (neem oil ), and they’ll be fine.
Monstera siltepecana is one of the most loved and demanded monstera species. It requires a little attention from you and will beautify your home for a long time.
If you are obsessed with any and every rare and classic plant species, make sure to visit our other blogs on Inspire Uplift.
Surely, you’ll find some amazing, unique, and easy-to-care-for plants there.
Lastly, tell us in the comments below what’s your favorite monstera plant?