Everyone has that one friend! The one friend that’s been a constant in your life, no matter how far apart you live. You don’t talk every single day, as a matter of fact, you might not even talk for months at a time, and when you do, it’s a quick message online or a short comment on a posted photo.
The wonderful thing about this friend is that you know, deep in your heart, that the next time you are lucky enough to see each other, it will be like you haven’t missed a beat! A wonderful hug or hand shake and it’s as if you’ve picked up exactly where you left off! Happiness is meeting an old friend after a long time and feeling that nothing has changed!
An old friend is a true blessing! Now that you’re longing to reach out to that friend, we’re here to tell you how very easy it is to let them know just how much they mean to you! Take a look at the items below and keep them in mind as you do! What a wonderful way to let them know they’re missed and loved!
Smart Travel Adapter
Sometimes the reason that we aren’t able to see an old friend, as much as we’d like to, is because they live far away, even in another country, perhaps. With this Smart Travel Adapter it’s easy to bring your work with you, so you can visit as long as you please! This travel adapter is all you’ll ever need to plug in your gadgets and other electronic devices, when traveling overseas, and the certified safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices. So, hop on that plane and take that trip. Your friend will be happy to see you and you’ll both enjoy a nice, leisurely visit, without worrying about rushing home for work. Get It Here
Custom Funny Socks
Girls’ night out, or a beer with your best buds, these Custom Funny Socks will have the group in stitches! Whether your meeting with your friends to have a cup of coffee, a beer, or a glass of wine, these socks are sure to make the evening unforgettable and hilariously fun! So, kick up your feet, turn on that much anticipated tv series or game and relax, with your friends, in these super comfy, cotton socks! Just remember, someone’s got to step up to the plate, when it comes to fetching those tasty beverages! 🙂 Order Now
Handmade Chunky Knit Blanket
Some friendships are perfectly simple and completely wonderful! That BFF, for example, the one friend that you’ve known since elementary school, in a situation like this, it’s quality over quantity! This Handmade Chunky Knit Blanket would be perfect for that old friend to cuddle up in, while you chat on facetime, and have a nice cup of tea together, no music, no television, just a long conversation, with the best friend ever! Catching up on everything that’s happened to you both during the past year is the goal, even if it takes hours! These are the times when you remind each other just how important your friendship truly is. Up to 50% OFF Special Discount
I Love the fact that I was able to reconnect with my best friends on facebook. I missed my friend.,and life takes us in different direction. The best intentions to keep in touch is sometimes not enough.Life gets in the way. But through facebook I was able to reconnect with a dear friend ! Thank you.
Didn’t realize how much I missed my old friend , til she just popped up at. My house a few days ago. Big. Hugs and smiles and I miss you”s were needed by us both . hope to see you again soon violet, coffee , chit chat, would be welcome?
I am so happy I met my old friend after 35 yrs thanks facebook love you Brenda
So thankful that God blessed me with such a friendship. Even though family moves and personal life moments put miles between us early in our years, reconnection was gratefully inevitable and now we share our older sometimes wiser selves with one another. Love you Jamie
I reconnected with my BFF through Facebook and the help of other longtime friends. Even though we still don’t talk daily or weekly or sometimes monthly I know all I have to you is reach out and he’ll respond . I’m so happy and glad we’ve reconnected , there were many lonely years without him to reach out to. Maybe some of my stupid choices would have been different if I had kept contact but that’s neither here no there. We’re reconnected now and I hope that doesn’t ever change again
Yeah i just reconnected.with oldfriends bff
Such a nostalgic.feeling and thesame excitement
Just like the old days♥️♥️♥️♥️?highschool
I went shopping in Walmart and ran into my best friend working their. We hugged and picked up with our friendship like it was yesterday. Sooooo glad to have her back in my life.