It is said that your children belong to a different generation than yours so you should brought-up them according to their times. However, Parenting can be a hard task especially when you find your kid is disturbed because of something, you cannot understand.
Remote Control Wall Climbing Car
Seeing your kid being a phone fanatic is something we parents don’t want. However, as he loves technology and machines, keeping him entirely away from it is not a good option. Here comes this Remote Control Wall Climbing Car as a solution. It is a toy gadget that lets your kid use and enhance his sensory skills. He would learn about directions, driving, inertia, and gravity. Also, this toy is made with steadfast technology that makes it a reliable thing to stay for an extended period. Order Here
Kid’s Camera
Helping your Kid to Have Best Recreational Time: Kids require your help and efforts not only in teaching manners and helping them in their school work. They also need your help while deciding their recreational activities. For parents, it is advised that they should select such hobbies for the kids, which would bring some fruitful benefits into their lives. For example: give your kids a camera and let them capturing photos of each and everything around. By doing so, you are making him nature lover, connecting him to its real surroundings, and enhancing his esthetical senses. This would be a better pass-time than using mobile and getting disconnected from the real world. Get It Here
Party Inflatable Reindeer Game
Your kids need to be active equally from the brain and body. As you have made the right choice by having kids camera, to enhance the cognitive esthetics of the kid, you also need to find something to be physically active during the day. Make their time fun with some recreational games such as Party Inflatable Reindeer Game. Here, all the friends of your kids can join in to play. They would learn to do healthy competitions and teamwork by playing together. Buy It Here
Magic Walking & Singing Unicorn
Your kids need entertainment from very early years of his age, so the product introduced here is for toddlers ready to enter in their pigeon todd walking period. Unicorns are fluff and love for all aged kids, and it will surely be a best friend for your kid. It works like a pet-animal who sings and walks and asks your child to follow him, however, without shedding hairs. It will help in encouraging the child’s imaginative powers. Buy Now
Dino Kids Backpack
Dealing with Messy Kids: Children are not messy by birth; however, their surroundings make them so. If you are worried because your child makes a lot of mess by scattering his or her stuff, it is most probably because you have simply ignored to teach him cleaning his or her room. Or the reason can be, he doesn’t have the most essential thing to clean the mess, Dino Kids Backpack. It will come extremely handy in helping you to retreat the child with some manners. He can have all his stuff, set, and placed well in this multi-pocket bag. Get It Now
Masterpiece Optical Drawing Board
Dealing with Problems related to focus on studies: Children remain unable to tell their parents about the problem in studies they are facing for example, when they are unable to focus on their studies. What you can do in this regard is getting something like a Masterpiece Optical Drawing board which would help your kids in not only enhancing the focus but will also bring positive creative changes in them. Order Now
When you understand the root cause of the issue, the solution comes for sure.
What’s even worse than being a Parent is seeing what’s going through your child’s eye’s all due from a cheating mother! Who’m spoced to have been going back. through College to better their live’s! And She done it” She earned a DIVORCE!
Yes tgat is also hard on the other parent and the child seek canceling maybe you guys can heal through it and try again !
This is when LOVE HURTS?
The hardest part about being a parent is when your parent(mother) promised to do something with you one night but FOR NO REASON AT ALL JUST DECIDED TO GO OUT WITH HER LADY FRIEND and say to me “we will do this another time” but that time never came. Now as a grandparent I watch my daughter and when she ever needs help with the kids I just tell her let me know and we will work something out.
One of the worst things you can do for your child is fixing every problem for him/her. I know. I did that for my baby! Big mistake for she didn’t want me to. I’m ashamed that one time I had to go for a conference with one of her teachers and before I got out of there I was summoned to the principal’s office over the intercom. My daughter was so embarrassed. I gave the teacher and the principal holy heck. My daughter was in high school. ???
I have my grandson and his eating habits are very bad. I can’t get him to eat vegetables and most meats. He is 4 years old he likes chicken only.
When you watch you 9yr old daughter have seizures ,last one was 2hrs long and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do to take it away.
18 month’s ago i had a baby girl..two separate occasions two different health nurses within the same week..told me my baby was perfect and not to worry….I looked in my baby’s eyes and said your dieing aren’t town was a 2 hour ferry boat ride and 2 hour drive..I got to my clinic at 418pm they close 430..I seen my doctor putting his coat on and hand on back door to leave..I yelled out I had my baby please come see her..I said just come look and I’ll go..he did….I felt his heart stop when he looked at her..he said I’ll meet u at the hospital in 3 minutes..the helicopter was there in 20mins.. we were whisked away for 2 months of blood transfusions life support in the NICU I was there alone watching my baby peak towards death smiles.
Having her oxygen off to bells and whistles going off at 3am I asked every nurse and doctor is she going to live.. after 2 months at Children’s in Vancouver I requested a transfer to Nanaimo.. I needed my mom..17 days in Nanaimo she seemed better they took her off every thing. SHE DIDNT CRASH.. finally after 3 months we could go home..many tests doctors blood transfusions at a year she was diagnosed with hereditary sphosytosis (HS) 1% of the world has it as bad as my baby she will have her spleen taken out at early teenlife..her red blood Cells are shapes like Arrow heads and die when they hit her spleen when she gets a common cold her white blood cells paralyze..she can’t fight nothing off.. everything is low in her body..iron..blood everything..all I can do is prepare for another helicopter ride .and blood transfusions.. this was inherited from her dad who did not know he had a mild case..I take life and look at life differently now this strong little girl fought and struggled for her life and she won..she struggles everyday cuz u never know who is sick around u..she is still smiling happy laughing like nothing is wrong
. When your having a bid day or stub ur toe think she was on her death bed dieing suffering and in pain. she pulled herself out of it.she is meant to be here for something..and we will find out one day..
Been told your son should live,,less then 12 hrs later told hes dieing,,
Then watching the machines flat line,, an you’re sons dead,,
I am so sorry for your loss.prayers for you and your family.
Taking your child into his pediatrician to find out you have to to the Emergency room they are waiting for us. To hear the words your child should have been brain dead , to hear words you now have TYPE 1 and Hypothyroidism. For the rest of your life you will be on insulin and pills. I can’t fix this.
My oldest daughter was born almost 5 years ago when I was 34 weeks pregnant she was so tiny only 16 1/2 inches and 5lbs. The doctors found out earlier in my pregnancy that she had a rare condition and asked me if I wanted to abort. I flat out said no a year later my daughter was lifeless and had a glucose of 18. They told me not to get my hopes up of her making it but she did. She has had 16 surgeries 3 shunts including a revision, 2 skull surgeries atthe base of it, a lymph node removal, oral surgery, hand surgery, tubes put in, tonsils removed, aednoids removed, another head surgery for a different thing. She is my miracle and has I’ve 11 different conditions besides her original diagnoses. It is so hard to watch her go through everything she does but she way stronger than me or i will ever be.
your little girl sounds just beautiful lots of hugs from a stranger.God is good .
What some people don’t ever talk about is a fathers love is just as important than a mothers. My ex relayed her hate thru my 2 children. She brainwashed at a tender impressionable age. What she has done is called (parental alienation) that has lasted over 20+ years. I have watch my daughter do things that I never thought she would do. I have 3 grand-daughters and cant see them because of the hate that was instilled by their mother. My ex wants to be their friend and never a parent which she doesn’t see what she has created we also have a son I had the pleasure of raising him for about 5 years he has turned out great but his mom has instilled her hate into him. I have watched him make some bad financial choices if I could helped I would but that’s the problem I was used so many years as a ATM for way to long. I would loved to able to help guide them so remember a fathers love goes just as deep as a mothers.
Reading all of these post. I feel for all of you. My prayers will include all of you.
My problem is with my 22 yr. Old step daughter. Her mother left when she 15. She does not want to drive her new car. And she does not like to leave the house much less her bed room. She only leaves by invatation from her girl friend or her mother wants to spend a few hours with her. Her father and I do not discuss her sittuation. He thinks everything is perfectly fine with her. When I try to talk to him about her life and what she might do when we pass away one day. He shuts me up and tells me in pushing the wrong buttons. I’m concerned for her. What should I do or say?
Our 23 yr old son passed away March 18, 2019. He wrote a thank you on his Facebook page for those who were praying and thinking of him and explained the doctors cannot do anything more for him. He was in multiple organ failure. He was born with heart defects. He wrote a note to be in his work bulletin a week later. He wrote a thank you for being great coworkers and that he was glad he had the opportunity to work with them. He invited everyone to say goodbye and see him if they wanted as he was being taken off constant dialysis and was given 3-5 days to live. We watched him say goodbye so many times over those 40 days…. if his wife allowed visitors. We watched him be used as a pawn for a measly $70,000 life insurance policy. He asked to come home with us but he could not walk and we had no hospice things at our home. We watched our child become confused, agitated, cry, hug us, tell us he loved us and he never complained through the entire 40 days. Be glad your children are alive. Be glad if they marry it is into a good family and not a terrible one. You have to look for the good. We have to look for the good. We can’t fix and we can’t bring him back. We miss and love him always. We will always be heartbroken over the signs we missed…..he never complained….he never told us what he was dealing with in his home. We do know he is with us. We see him in our dreams and he turns the tv on in the middle of the night. We have 3 younger than him children who are also heartbroken and in disbelief of what he went through. Be kind to each other. Help one another. Also speak up if your child is dating or thinks of marrying into a not so good family….know and learn the power wheel of abuse. Our son lived in it and we had no idea. Hug your children tight and tell them you love them. #nlna ?
The hardest part of being a parent for me is watching my son grow up without his father…. my son was born the end 2006 and than unfortunately the beginning of 2008 his father was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people… and he ended up going to jail… he got out of jail in Oct. 2011 than Jan 31st. 2012 while at work 1 night his father fell at work hit his head and was rushed to the hospital… they ended up doin testing and found out that he had stage 4 colon and liver cancer… they told us he had 2 – 3 weeks without treatment and 4 -5 months with treatment…. we fortunately got to spend a year and 16 days wit him til he passed away Feb. 16th 2013… my son was 6 1/2 when his dad passed…. now my son is 13 yrs old and still to this day and every day it effects him… it breaks my heart watching him hurt from it and there not being anything I can do to take his pain away… so I do my best and try to make sure everyday he knows I love him and that I’m here for him if he decides to open up and talk about it… or if he has questions about his dad I try and do my best to answer them…. but it just never seems to be enough and it breaks my heart….