
Did You Know? The Oldest Sibling Is Usually The…

did you know the oldest sibling is usually the most well behaved

Being the oldest sibling is tough – you have to be a good influence on the younger ones.

You need to be their strict teacher, their fun-loving friend, the responsible moral supporter for the parents, and a well-behaved individual of the family – all at the same time.

If you are the oldest amongst your brothers and sisters, you would surely have some or all of these responsibilities.

6 Responsibilities of The Eldest Sibling

There are plenty, but these six are the most prominent ones for us.

1. Helping the younger siblings in their studies

Whether it’s mathematical calculations or the complex formulas of Chemistry, the mind-boggling theorems of Physics or English tenses, you have to sit with them and teach them whatever they ask you.

Even if they don’t ask you, you have to monitor their study routines. At times you have to scold them and on other occasions, make the learning process fun and exciting.

2. Teach them how to make friends

You are the teacher of the family and the younger ones try to copy you in every way. You have to make them learn how to socialize, interact, and connect with others.

How to speak in front of others, when to speak politely and when to be resilient – everything.

3. Be at the top of your game always

You can not afford to set a bad example for your younger kin. They look up to you in your academic performance, your career choices, your personal preferences etc.

You have to be helpful, friendly, mature, and organized at all times.

Whether they see you throwing your bag in the room after the college, or laying the plates neatly on the table at dinner, they would do the same.

4. Be a replacement for the parents

Not only do you have responsibilities towards your brothers and sisters, you need to be a support for the parents as well.

If they are out, you have to attend the parent-teacher meeting of your siblings, if they are sick and can’t go for groceries, you have to step in, you might also have to gift your young sis her favorite unicorn toys in their absence.

5. Become their relationship tutor

And when they turn from kids to teenagers and find their way into the college, that’s when their lives take a turn and they enter into the world of relationships.

You have to be there for them so they don’t break emotionally. You have to tell them when is the right time to be serious about a relationship and what they should prioritize.

How close should they let the other person come and what mistakes should never be committed in a relationship.

You have gone through this phase – it is only reasonable to teach them about it. But you can’t pressurize them. They have their own journeys and ways of perceiving things, that freedom should be given to them.

6. Be their fashion instructor

This role is mostly for girls – telling the younger sisters how to prepare for a party, what makes the eyes stand out, how to curl the hair quickly, which shades of lipstick look good with the dress, and how to take care of the skin.

You will even have to lend her your stuff many times – earrings, pumps, scarves, and stylish bracelets.

Was that all?

Sure it isn’t. There are many more jobs of the eldest sibling. So share what we have missed and populate the comment section.

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